Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A mothers prayer . . .

Dear Lord,
So far today I've done all right. I haven't gossiped, I haven't lost my temper, I haven't been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish, or very indulgent. I'm very grateful for that. But in a few minutes, Lord, I'm going to get out of bed, and from then on, I'm going to need a lot more help. Amen.

. . . sometimes that's all that needs to be said! :-)
Happy Wednesday!

Friday, January 23, 2009

First Day of . . . SCHOOL!!

Well, we went to check out a preschool for Mason on Wed. for the fall, and they informed up that they still had openings for this spring if he wanted to start now. We decided to try it. He was very apprehensive about us leaving him there. We tried to hype it up by having him help us pick out his lunch, and his clothes, and talking about the trampoline they have inside. When none of that worked, we opted for a good ole bribe of a 4-wheeler ride (the weather worked in our favor). Today, Friday, was his first day. As soon as he got up, I asked him, in my oh-so-cheery-ready-for-school voice, if he was excited for school! He reply was, no! OK, great start! Once we got ready, he wanted to wear his book bag to the truck, then when we got there, he said," look there's my school!" with a small bit of excitement. Then I practically had to speed walk to keep up with him walking in. He walked right in, with a small quiver of his chin and watery eyes when I gave him a kiss and told him I would pick him up in a little while. 4 LONG hrs later, Kenny and I were practically racing in the doors to pick him up! He had a huge smile on his face and couldn't wait to show us all he had done for the day! Overall, a huge success. He loves it. Now if mommy and daddy could hurry and get used to it!!!
Audrey and I took advantage of our time and had a girls day with Jessica (Grants fiancee). We went to try on and pick out Audrey's flower girl dress for their wedding in July. She had a ball. She's so girly, this was right up her ally!

Mason before school, a little nervous!

Starting to get excited

Racing in to school! That book bag is almost bigger than him!

The aftermath! A very happy kid, either he had a great time or is really relieved that his parents came to get him. . . probably a little of both!

Such a little princess!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Finally! We made it to the fire station to see daddy!!! And boy did we fall in love. Audrey has found her calling as an engineer. Mason, on the other hand, wants to control the hoses and especially the deck gun. Daddy was at station 8 today, 56th and Binford. He's been there for the last 4 or 5 shifts and likes that station. We got to check out where daddy sleeps, eats, and hang out. The guys at the station were really nice. Mason definitely didn't want to leave. I have a feeling we'll be visiting daddy often at this station, it's in a decent area, and fairly close.
Overall, we've been great. Christmas was wonderful. It went by so fast! The kids could open up a store larger than Toys-r-us with all the toys they got. Mason's doing a lot better in soccer. It was a rocky start (first time without me or Kenny on the field, so lots of running around and not listening to the coach, or just standing there not doing anything). Today was great, he participated in everything and listened to his coach the whole time! He was bribed with a trip to the fire station to see daddy. I guess it worked! Audrey is doing great. Talking more everyday. She hasn't had any more urinary tract infections so the antibiotic is working! 11 more months to go the we will hopefully be in the clear! Kenny is still loving his job. He's learning a lot and seeing a lot. As for me, I just signed up to do the Geist half marathon again. What am I thinking! I guess my plan is I have to train to be able to run the marathon, and training=getting into shape! We'll see!
I also added a few pictures from Christmas at my moms. (They were the only ones on the camera I was uploading tonight, I'll try to put x-mas morning pics up too)
Watch out! Crazy driver!

He's lovin every minute of this!

OOOhh! OOOOhh! Show us which lever turns the water on!