Saturday, February 28, 2009

Ode to Grandpa Sands!

We survived the 8hr trip there and back.
We almost needed a luggage rack!

Erlanger hospital or bust!
Grandpa Sands, are you ready for us!

Hospital rooms have lots to see and touch,
but asking to be baby-proofed, is a bit much.

So we did lots of walks to see the fish,
Mommy even broke a gift shop dish!

We showed Grandpa Sands that glove balloons are fun,
He told us stories of when he was young.

Grandpa Sands was happy to see us, though the nurses gave him grief.
We knew what he was thinking, even without his teeth!

We had a great time, Grandpa Sands!
And you really are THE MAN!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Thank goodness for the warm weather. We were ALL getting cabin fever. We took advantage and I took the kids for a long awaited first run of the year. Then played outside for a while. Audrey is really starting to like her 4-wheeler. And Mason, well, he's just happy to be outside. It doesn't matter what he's doing. Just like his daddy! They are officially both signed up for ISR swim classes ( starting in May. Audrey will get the full 4-6 week lessons, Mason just has to take his one year refresher. They do that to make sure they remember their skills they learned and fine tune any that changed over last summer. We're excited. To us, it's priceless, the skills they learn through ISR. Enjoy the pics! and the warm weather for now!

It's getting to be a workout just to push them!! It was great, they were so entertained by all the little things outside that they haven't seen in a while.

This is Audrey pretty much all day, every day. She LOVES her jewelry and purses. Oh yeah, and shoes. I think we're in trouble!