Mom's night at Mason's school
Tonight we had Mom's Night at school. aka: Mommy and Mason date night! After I talked him into a nice shirt (just like his daddy!), he planted me a flower in the pot he had made at school. We had our picture taken. I got a manicure, compliments of Mason. Got served Lemonade and cookies, by Mason. And was serenaded by Mason (and his classmates). It was so much fun. These nights are bittersweet. They are so much fun and I'm so proud of what a good, sweet, helpful young man he is, but they make me realize how big he's getting!
And I couldn't leave Audrey totally out. She's been great too. Busy playing outside lots and changing clothes lots! Here she is riding Papaws bobcat with daddy. She is totally a "social rider". The definition of a social rider you ask? :someone who rides not because THEY want to, they ride so YOU see them riding. I'm not kidding. She pays no attention to what Kenny's doing (unlike Mason, who can tell you what the next step is and takes no time for pictures), instead, she just waves and says,"mommy, look at me!"